Saturday, September 14, 2024

我々のネットワーキングパーティ「ネパール大好きモモナイト」へようこそ WELCOME to our monthly networking party "Momo night"


What is Momo? Momo is a Nepalese dumpling that originated in Kathmandu Valley and its original name was "Momocha."

म:म: के हो?  म:म: एक नेपाली डम्पलिंग हो जुन काठमाडौं उपत्यकामा उत्पत्ति भएको थियो र यसको मूल नाम "मोमोचा" थियो।



What is Momo night ? Momo night is a monthly event that was started in 2017 in Nagoya City, Japan as a platform to connect with Nepalese diaspora living in Japan. This event was suggested during the fundraising programs held arroung Nagoya after the 2015 Earthquake that affected many parts of Nepal.  

"म:म: नाइट" के हो? "म:म: नाइट" एक मासिक कार्यक्रम हो जुन 2017 मा जापानको नागोया शहरमा जापानमा बसोबास गर्ने नेपाली डायस्पोरासँग जोड्ने प्लेटफर्मको रूपमा सुरु भएको थियो। 2015को महाभूकम्पले नेपालका धेरै भागलाई प्रभावित पारेपछि नागोयामा आयोजना गरिएको कोष सङ्कलन कार्यक्रममा यो कार्यक्रमको सुझाव दिइएको थियो ।



Who is invited? This event is open to all. There is no requirement to make any reservation. People who want to participate must pay the participation fee at the event on the day of the event. 

कसलाई निम्तो छ? यो घटना सबैको लागि खुला छ। कुनै पनि आरक्षण गर्न कुनै आवश्यकता छैन। सहभागी हुन चाहने व्यक्तिहरूले कार्यक्रमको दिनमा सहभागिता शुल्क तिर्नु पर्छ।



How much is the participation fee? It is 2000 Japanese Yen to participate. One plate of Momo & a drink is included in this fee. You can try other dishes on the menu privately. 

सहभागिता शुल्क कति छ? यो भाग लिन 2000 जापानी येन हो। यस शुल्कमा मोमो र पेयको एक प्लेट समावेश छ। तपाईं मेनुमा अन्य व्यञ्जनहरू निजी रूपमा प्रयास गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ।



Where is it held? It is held in at different Nepalese restaurants around Nagoya City, a restaurant where Momo is one of the items on its Menu. 



1) 各国料理、特にネパールに興味のある他の人々と出会い、ネットワークを築くことができます。 

2) ネパールの文化について学びます。 

3) 特定のテーマについて学び、ゲストスピーカーと出会うことができます。 

4) ネパール料理レストランのオーナーや料理人に会い、簡単な日本語で故郷について簡単に説明してもらえます。 

5) 基本的なネパール語の挨拶を学びます。 

6) サンスクリット語をルーツとするネパールのデヴァナーガリー文字であなたの名前を書いたポストカードをプレゼントします。 

7) あなたの製品/サービスを他の参加者に宣伝するオファーを受け取ります。 

8) 会話が弾みながらグループでのお食事が楽しめます。 

9) ネパールの音楽、芸術、映画などを紹介する短いビデオをいくつか鑑賞します

What is the benefit of participating at Momo night? 

1) You will be able to meet and network with other people who are interested in International Cuisine, especially Nepal. 

2) You will learn about Nepalese Culture. 

3) You will be able to learn about certain theme and meet guest speaker. 

4) You will meet Nepalese Restaurant Owner and cooks who can tell you briefly about their hometowns in basic Japanese. 

5) You will learn basic Nepalese greetings. 

6) You will get a Postcard with your name written in Nepalese Devanagari Script, the root  of which is Sanskrit Language. 

7) You get an offer to promote your products / services to other participants. 

8) You can enjoy a group meal with lively conversation. 

9) You will watch some short videos introducing Nepalese Music, Art, Movies etc. 


次回のモモナイトについての情報はどうやって入手できますか? FACEBOOK ページからアクセスできます:

How can you get information about the NEXT Momo night? You can access the via the FACEBOOK page :

Below is a collection of MOMO NIGHT posters used during the past. 

Date: 10.Feb.2018






Ÿ   2014から春と夏休みにネパールSTUDY VISITを実行。(コロナ中は

Ÿ   モリコロパークの春と秋祭りにブース出展、ネパールの女性たちの手作り商品の販売


2)FTTN ( Fair Trade Town Nagoya) 名古屋をフェアトレードタウンにしよう会が栄テレビ塔下で開催するツキイチマルシェに20163月から参加を続けました。ブースで販売しているのはネパールの女性たちが作った手作り商品Fair Tradeグッズでした。現在(テレビ塔が工事のため閉鎖中、現在参加しておりません)


3)オンラインでネパール語教室をやっています。講師はネパールまたは名古屋在住のネパール人です。テキストは「指さしネパール語会話帳」です。Study Visitの参加者が現地へ行く前にネパール語を学習しています。


4)2017年から毎月のネパール文化交流会として「ネパール大好きモモナイトin Nagoya」を実行。名古屋市内のネパール料理レストランを会場とし、ネパール人学生や芸人を招いて2時間の食事&交流会を毎月、一回土曜日の夕方5-7時に行っています。


5)今までネパールStudy Visit 11回実行しました。学生、研究員、社会福祉関係者、芸術家、女性起業家が主な参加者です。2020年はコロナで中止になりました。次回は現在未定。



Women For Women Nepal ( WFWN) はネパールの女性たちが作る商品やサービスの開発とプロモーションするマーケティングチームです。女性たちの自立とエンパワーメントを支える目的で現地ネパールでは技術訓練、日本ではこれらの商品を広めると同時に市場づくりをしています。それぞれの女性グループの商品やサービスを利用することでネパールのこと知っていただくことを目的とします。異文化理解のための交流会、環境にやさしい商品づくりと開発をテーマに活動しています。



代表はネパール国籍で元女性の権利活動家。貧困に陥る女性たちに権力より先に、職業に就く必要を感じ、WFWNを設立した。会員制の組織です。会員は国籍問わない。会員費は無料です。会員は会員申請書に記入することで会員になることが可能。会員は自分の時間が許す限りイベントや出店した際、ボランティア活動を行う。運営費はサービスや商品の販売から補う。寄付金や助成金を受け入れた場合は1)イベント開催又は他イベントに参加するための出店費2)生産者からの商品を購入 3)生産者への設備投資 (講師派遣を含む)のために使用する。当団体のロゴマークはこちらです:







Ÿ   団体の会員への連絡や通知はSNSやメーリングリストを通じて行う。

Ÿ   会員は2か月に一度開く会議にできるだけ出席し、年間行事について意見貢献する。

Ÿ   団体の日本事務所は代表者の住所になっている。





Ÿ   団体のネパールでの住所は:

Women for Women Nepal-WFWN

P.O. BOX 2358, Shree Marg Lazimpat, Ward 2, Kathmandu, Nepal

Phone: +9779818262626

Ÿ   団体のFBページ:

Ÿ   団体のブローグ:

Ÿ   ネパールスタディ訪問中の活動報告はビデオ報告になります:


Tuesday, August 25, 2020

A short video introduction of Women for Women Nepal in Japanese.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

A short introduction of WFWN

Women For Women Nepal (WFWN) is a sole proprietor social business company founded by Dr. Astha Prabha Tuladhar. It was registered under the government of Nepal in the year 2012. Its main objective is to promote and market handmade products by Nepali women within Nepal and abroad. Most products are Fair Trade products and some products are created by Women groups and individuals who cannot yet registered their trade.
The need for registration was felt necessary while promoting “Ban the plastic bag” campaign run by NGO Free Himalaya of Plastic Waste (Freemalaya). As an option to plastic bags, it was necessary to produce Eco bags. Therefore some women groups were trained to stitch carefully designed Eco bags. At first WFWN was registered to retail eco bags but after 5 years, it retails various kinds of handicraft items from 40 different NGOs and fair trade groups and makes direct and indirect impact on the income of more than 3000 women.
              Since 2013, WFWN has conducted various activities in collaboration with Japanese NGOs. It has displayed and retailed Nepali handicraft in various international festivals and events held chiefly in Nagoya, Japan.
              To promote Nepali handicraft in Japan, WFWN creates an opportunity to visit Nepali handicraft producers by organizing study tours to Nepal. It has already conducted 6 study tours during which more than 25 Japanese individuals have visited factories, retail shop owners and handicraft producers.
              So far, WFWN has organized and sponsored 3 annual international art exhibitions in Kathmandu titled- “Art Without Borders” involving Japanese and Nepali artists. Such art exhibition is important to promote Nepali artists and their creativity. In the year 2018, we are planning to organize an art exhibition for Nepali artists in Japan.
              Since 2015, WFWN has participated in the monthly Fair Trade Marche organized by Fair Trade Town Nagoya (FTTN). Nagoya is the second fair trade town in Japan after Kumamoto. Participating in this monthly bazaar, WFWN has introduced the skill and quality of Nepali handicraft producers in the Japanese market.
              Since 2017, in collaboration with Nepali Curry Restaurants in Nagoya, WFWN is organizing a monthly cultural event called “Nepal Daisuki, Momo night” which has been supported by Nagoya Metropolitan City Office. It is a monthly event to introduce and taste the popular Nepali original cuisine “Momo.” During this event Nepali students and professionals are invited to give a talk and Dr. Tuladhar gives a slide show presentation of Nepal this way promoting Nepali culture in Nagoya.
              Recently, WFWN participated in a biannual event called “Handmade Korea- Summer.” It aims to promote Nepali handicraft and creativity in other Asian countries in near future.
              As a social business, WFWN aims to promote women’s skill and ability in improving their lifestyle by increasing their financial income, this way ending poverty and protecting the rights of women themselves and their children. In future, WFWN aims to spread to areas other than handicraft, especially agriculture and green industry.